About wochenklausur

Desde el año 1993 el grupo de artistas WochenKlausur realiza intervenciones sociales. A partir de la invitación de instituciones de arte, el grupo propone mejoras modestas pero muy efectivas de problemas sociopolíticos concretos. Estas propuestas casi siempre se convierten en acciones, de manera que la creatividad deja de ser un acto formal para transformarse en intervención social. El colectivo tiene su origen en la exposición 11 Wochen in Klausur (11 semanas de encierro, Vienna Secession, 1992), en la que Wolfgang Zinggl reunió a ocho artistas para que encontraran soluciones a un problema local (en este caso, mejorar las condiciones de las personas sin techo). El grupo adoptó por primera vez el nombre de WochenKlausur en 1994, esta vez a raíz de la invitación de Shedhalle Zurich. Desde sus inicios, ha llevado a cabo más de treinta proyectos en Berlín, Venecia, Fukuoka, Estocolmo, Zurich y otras ciudades. El núcleo del grupo está compuesto por ocho artistas que han formado parte en varios proyectos. Hasta ahora, más de cincuenta artistas han participado. En Campo Adentro estarán trabajando los portugueses, Max Fernandes y José Almeida Pereira, ambos miembros de WochenKlausur desde 2010.

Classes in the mount

About school classes in the mount project, at Puebla de Sanabria


WochenKlausur’s proposal for this residency in Puebla de Sanabria, from 9 till 30 September 2012, was to implement a school class in the mount for environmental practices.


Before the residency, the artist group defined the project to create this school class in collaboration with a local school.

The contact with I.E.S. Valverde de Lucerna was very fruitful. In the meetings, both realized the potential knowledge and local education this outside classes could bring.


WochenKlausur had a clear idea on these classes content: local professionals and nature workers and dedicators should be the lecturers next to the students, (for example: forest guards, beekeepers, biologists, livestock’s, etc.)

This professional and specific contact next to the youngsters could develop another awareness of the surroundings they study in, and produce critical and visionary ideas about the future of the mountain’s life.


The I.E.S. Valverde de Lucerna collaborated with WochenKlausur since the first meeting. In the following contacts with the Institute the artist group presented a program for three days class in the mount, and a possible space for it’s realization. The Institute agreed with the space proposal, and defined the dates to realize the program in just two days. It was settled.

The first Classes will start in 2013

The Institute compromised itself to repeat the classes during the next 5 years, at least once per year. Of course the Institute will have all the autonomy to, in the following years, change and adjust the content and the invited lecturers for the classes, and also look for some future collaborations with other Institutions.


WochenKlausur walked around some paths and areas that, suggested by the city council, could be exciting for the classes. Some of these areas are far away, and others around the Institute’s surroundings. The spaces closer to the Institute revealed to be more adequate to a good dynamic, and with fewer handicaps, like automobile transportation necessities. Another important prerequisite was to have some biodiversity, so, all the spaces identified as candidates are close to a river.


Is also important to the proposal that locals could think and discuss the definition and ideal design for the space of this classroom in nature. For that WochenKlausur challenged a resident architect and a resident artist to collaborate and work in its vision.


With the desire that this program and future classes will develop with great enthusiasm, and that this proposal could increase for many years and be repeated in other Institutions within natural territories, Wochenklausur leave the wonderful and exuberant landscape of singular Puebla de Sanabria.

A class room, by José Manuel Cifuentes

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The artist José Manuel Cifuentes thought about our proposition of “how should be the space for a school class in the mount?” He sketched a model taking in to account the concentric disposal of an assembly. He simulated digitally a vision that defines the space area with natural means, as simple as plating trees in a specific composition.